Sunday, June 16, 2013

LilyWooz, WoozReporter to the Starz!

MEET LilyWooz, she is the newest part of the woozband and is in level 50.

Hiya Woozens!
This post is filled with so much new info that I don’t know where to even begin! :B How about an introduction first…
My name is LilyWooz and I’m all about STARZ! ^.^
This leads us into more exciting news, so sit down because this one is out-of-this-world huge! Are you sitting?  Here it is:
Woozworld is an official on screen partner of the One Direction “Take Me Home” North American Tour!!
And I’m super-awesomely-excited to announce that yours truly (me!) will be yourWoozReporter following the band!  I’ll be bringing you the latest concert newz and updates.  Stay tuned!
Your expert on Starz, guitarz & chocolate barz,
                                                        LilyWooz for WoozNEWZ

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